die-cut-ting (di-kuht-ing) noun
1. The cutting by machine of paper or card into shapes with sharp steel knives, such as in the manufacture of cardboard boxes.
. . . the process of using a formed steel cutting or creasing rule embedded in a wooden base. The critical registration of offset printing to diecutting is achieved with careful planning. Our pre-production department can custom design a template to your project’s specifications. We can supply your designer with this template via e-mail or on disk. Proper use of die-line templates in the early stages of your project can reduce the risk of costly mistakes. Ask about our library of custom dies and our convenient construction guide. We can help you find the products that will fit your client’s needs. Our diecutting equipment is suited to any run length from a few hundred to several million.
TEMPLATES prepared by our pre-production department will help you design and postition packaging products with appropriate bleeds, tab positions and glue knockouts. Templates can be furnished as a vellum overlay or as an electronic file in all standard formats.
MULTIPLE-UP printing requires careful coordination. Templates should be used to confirm stepping distances and image placement.
GRAIN direction is determined by the construction of your project. Particular attention should be given to grain direction for stocks 14 pt. and heavier.
GLUE TAB placement is determined by the construction of your project. Request a template before design begins to ensure the best automation of assembly. (CAUTION, improper glue tab placement could require hand assembly.)
GRIPPER and SIDE GUIDES should be marked clearly on your printed sheets. No post-press cutting should be done without first consulting our pre-production department.
MARKED PRESS SHEETS, CONSTRUCTED BLUELINES, or PREVIOUS SAMPLES showing desired construction should accompany order.
CUTTING DIES: Consult our pre-production department before furnishing cutting dies.
Gripper: 5/8″
Tail & side margin: 1/2″
Minimum Sheet Size: 4×9
Maximum Sheet Size: 31.5×44.1
Maximum Image Area: 30.9×43.7
Paper Weight: 100# text weight to 48 pt. Caliper board